Published Book Cover
Join Hanna Dorottya Szabó and Éva Gáti as they discuss current tensions in Hungary’s LGBTQ+ activism scene. They are diving into their published book chapter that explores the country’s LGBTQ+ politics, and the clash between Western ideals and local realities. They discuss the concept of “rainbow washing” through the lens of Coca-Cola’s “Love is Love” campaign, highlighting the influence of international corporations on LGBTQ visibility. They explore how popular media and marketing initiatives of big corporations may counter Hungary’s anti-LGBTQ policies, along with civil society organisations at the forefront. Éva and Hanna share behind-the-scenes insights into the chapter, offering a closer look at the challenges in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights in Hungary.
You can find out more about the speakers and the book below:
Éva Gáti
Hanna D Szabó
Szabó, H. D., & Gáti, É. (2023). Western influences, Eastern realities: LGBTQ activism in Hungary. In Global LGBTQ Activism (pp. 102-119). Routledge.

Acting out gender identity — Self-portrayal in digital media (Germany)