Portrait: Andrea Kočiš

Andrea Kočiš


Email: andrea.kocis@surrey.ac.uk

Project abstract

Parents’ play and conversations with their children follow gender stereotypical patterns (i.e., person-oriented toys/language and art courses for girls, things-oriented toys/science courses for boys). This research project will look into gender stereotypicality of parental beliefs about academic domains and occupations through survey data, investigate how these beliefs are expressed in conversations with children, and identify communication patterns in conversations that contribute to children’s future choices. Parent-child conversations will be video-recorded and assessed with behavior coding methods as indicators of gender-(un)biased social interaction.

The project will include three research studies, covering different age groups of children, to examine ways in which parental behaviors and conversations with children shape children's perceptions and beliefs about gender roles. Moreover, the project will explore how these behaviors and conversations contribute to development of skills necessary for certain occupations, as well as affects children’s visions about their future, thus influencing educational and occupational preferences and choices starting from early childhood.

Based on the findings of this research, a workshop on how to encourage gender diversity in professional choices of young people will be developed, implemented and tested with the Raspberry Pi Foundation (non-academic partner).

Supervisor: Dr. Harriet Tennebaum, University of Surrey/UK


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