Portrait: Franziska Saxler

Franziska Saxler


Email: franziska.saxler@psy.unibe.ch

Project abstract

My research examines underlying mechanisms of sexual harassment and how to communicate about it in intervention programs (see 4.3.1.) as well as in media (see 4.3.2.). Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sex-related behaviour that is appraised by the person who experience it as offensive, exceeding their resources, or threatening their well-being (Fitzgerald et al., 1997). Such behaviour generally fits into five categories: general sexist remarks and/or behaviour, inappropriate sexual advances, solicitation of sexual activity, rewarded sexual favours, or coerced sexual activity that that includes threat of punishment or sexual assault (Till, 1980).

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sabine Sczesny, University of Bern/Switzerland


The underlying mechanisms of sexualized workplace harassment 23. June, 2024 In this podcast episode, G-Versity early stage researcher, Franziska Saxler…

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Who experiences the most victim blaming? 9. January, 2023 Van der Bruggen, Madeleine & Grubb, Amy (2014): A review…

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Sexual Workplace Harassment During a PhD (Part 2) 2. June, 2022 When Franziska Saxler's guest spoke up about being sexually harassed…

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Sexual Workplace Harassment during a PhD 24. February, 2022 Franziska Saxler and her guest who wishes to stay anonymous…

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How to identify and counter Masculine Defaults 13. December, 2021 As part of our e-learning journal club during spring and…

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