Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash
When Franziska Saxler’s guest spoke up about being sexually harassed during her PhD, she experienced both solidarity and alienation. In this episode, they also talk about predictors for sexual harassment and the over-representation of the perpetrators’ perspective in public discourse about sexualized violence.
This is the second part of their conversation. Please listen to the first part here.
Have you ever experienced sexual workplace harassment yourself? If yes, please share your solutions in the comments!
Further reading
Stainback, K., Ratliff, T. N., & Roscigno, V. J. (2011). The context of workplace sex discrimination: Sex composition, workplace culture and relative power. Social Forces, 89(4), 1165-1188.

Sexist organizational climate and gender-based harassment. Obstacles to careers in male-dominated fields (Switzerland)