Hanna D. Szabó
As G-VERSITY is slowly coming to an end, we are happy to introduce the final podcast series with all of our early stage researchers. In each episode, a researcher talks about insightful and useful findings from their PhD projects as well as discusses opportunities arising from their research.
In this podcast episode, G-Versity early stage researcher, Hanna D. Szabó speaks about the community-building potential of social media, focusing on how Hungarian queer teenagers negotiate their identities and represent themselves online. Her research underlines that queer youth is well-equipped to leverage the power of social media to explore their sexual and gender identities, but this takes immense emotional labour, which is is further complicated by platform limitations and political realities. Tune in to find out more!
Szabó, H. D., & Gáti, É. (2023). Western influences, Eastern realities: LGBTQ activism in Hungary. In Global LGBTQ Activism (pp. 102-119). Routledge.

Acting out gender identity — Self-portrayal in digital media (Germany)