Gender (in-)equality in the workplace and women in leadership and decision-making positions

Clara Plückelmann

As G-VERSITY (Achieving Gender Diversity) is slowly coming to an end, we are happy to introduce the Final Podcast Series with all of our researchers to you, where each of them talks about insightful and useful findings from their work as well as discusses opportunities arising from their research.

In this podcast episode, G-Versity early stage researcher, Clara Plückelmann speaks about the potential cause of gender inequality in the workplace and the lack of women in leadership and decision-making positions, stating that it is societal and organizational structures that impact women’s aspirations to apply for these positions. Tune in to find out more!


Plückelmann, C., Gustafsson Sendén, M., Bernhard-Oettel, C., Leineweber, C., & Sczesny, S. (2024). Women’s and men’s experiences with participative decision-making at workplace and organizational levels. Frontiers in Psychology14, 1240117.

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