Ana-Nzinga Weiss
As G-VERSITY (Achieving Gender Diversity) is slowly coming to an end, we are happy to introduce the Final Podcast Series with all of our researchers to you, where each of them talks about insightful and useful findings from their work as well as discusses opportunities arising from their research.
In this podcast episode, G-Versity early stage researcher, Ana-Nzinga Weiss speaks about how social discourses are represented in the German traditional media (television, radio and newspapers), in particular, the German media debate about racism. Ana-Nzinga also points out that racist discrimination is always entangled with other structural inequalities and works together with, for instance, sexism and classism. Tune in to hear more!
Weiß, A. N. (2024). Portrayals of the Shero: a critical discourse analysis on the representation of Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. Journal of Gender Studies, 1-12.
Weiß, A. (12/2023). Marginalisierung. In S. Pfertsch (Hrsg.) Vielfalt – Das andere Wörterbuch (S. 148-149). Duden.
Weiß, A. (2022). Diversität im deutschen Mediensystem – Ein Interview mit Iva Krtalic, WDR. merz, 66(5), S. 52-56.
Weiß, A. (2022). Journalismus- Rassismus – Diversität. Repräsentationen von People of Color und Diversität als Perspektive im deutschen Journalismus. merz, 66(5), S. 46-53.
Schemmerling, M. & Weiß, A. (2022). Medien | Pädagogik | Rassismus. Gedanken, Beispiele und Impulse einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung. Editorial. merz, 66(5), S. 6-7.

What’s on TV? The role of gender and social status in media representation (Germany)