Creating a Gender-Diverse Workplace: A Practical Guide

In today’s rapidly evolving work environment, fostering gender diversity and inclusion is more than just a goal — it’s a necessity. As part of our G-VERSITY network, we’re excited to share a comprehensive series of guidelines designed to help organizations and individuals take meaningful steps toward reducing gender biases in educational and professional environments and fostering a more gender-diverse workplace.

The German media debate about racism

In this podcast episode, G-Versity early stage researcher, Ana-Nzinga Weiss speaks about how social discourses are represented in the German traditional media (television, radio and newspapers), in particular, the German media debate about racism. Ana-Nzinga also points out that racist discrimination is always entangled with other structural inequalities and works together with, for instance, sexism and classism.

Leadership experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) people

In this podcast episode, G-Versity early stage researcher, Shannon O’Rourke speaks about whether LGBQ people’s sexualities have any significant impact on their leadership positions and how LGBQ people are often expected to bring their sexualities into their leadership roles for the sake of diversity, equality and inclusion. Shannon also mentions that at times, gender identity can have a greater impact on leadership experiences compared to sexuality.

Exploring identity negotiation and self-expression of queer youth on social media 

In this podcast episode, G-Versity early stage researcher, Hanna D. Szabó speaks about the community-building potential of social media, focusing on how Hungarian queer teenagers negotiate their identities and represent themselves online. Her research underlines that queer youth is well-equipped to leverage the power of social media to explore their sexual and gender identities, but this takes immense emotional labour, which is is further complicated by platform limitations and political realities.

Researching gender and sexuality: A chat with Dr Aífe Hopkins-Doyle and Dr Fabio Fasoli

In this podcast episode, G-Versity early stage researcher Andrea Kočiš talks to Dr Aífe Hopkins-Doyle and Dr Fabio Fasoli, directors of the Psychology of Gender and Sexuality Lab at the University of Surrey. Aífe’s research interests include sexism and gender relations, gender stereotyping, and feminism. Fabio’s research interests include derogatory language, auditory gaydar, sexual prejudice, dehumanisation and sexual objectification.

Vlog: Social Media & Identity

Hanna Dorottya Szabó offers a brief introduction into the topic of social media and identity, starting off with Mark Zuckerberg’s stance on a single online identity. The video essay touches on topics from the push for transparent identities on platforms like Facebook and Instagram for advertisers sake, to the related dynamics of self-presentation – the conscious and unconscious aspects of displaying one’s online self.
How can social media platforms want us to be our singular authentic selves while constantly forcing us to adapt to their ever-changing apps?

How should an organization go about achieving gender diversity? A few suggestions from my PhD research

Nowadays, there is increased awareness of diversity issues and organizations often aim to foster inclusivity and attract talent from underrepresented groups. The emphasis on diversity is often underscored both for its potential impact on business performance as well as the ethical responsibility to not incidentally overlook or disadvantage certain groups. However, identity groups are often presented in isolation, rather than acknowledging their intersectionality, hindering the overarching goal of inclusivity.

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